Caster Wheel Selection Chart
Characteristics, Features & Benefits

Green Ball   - Good
Yellow Ball  - Possible - Call US
Red Ball      - Not Recommended

If you have any doubt as to which wheel or caster is the proper choice for your application contact us for a recommendation.
Please Read ALL Notes Below
Symbols Wheel Type   Note 2 Note 3 Note 4 Note 5 Note 6     Note 7  
RS Extra Soft Gray Rubber 50A Low
RF-RD Gray Soft Rubber 60-80A Low
CB Super Cushion Rubber 60-70A Low
MR Black Rubber on Iron 65-75A Low
PR Premium Rubber 65-70A Med
SE Self-Energizing Rubber 65-68A Med
SF Pneumatic - Low
Polyurethane on Polyolefin 90-95A Med
UG Polyurethane on Glass Filled Nylon 95A High
PA Polyurethane on Aluminimum 95A High
PY-PYR-PYC Polyurethane on Iron 95A High
PYH High Capacity Poly on Iron 60D High
PHD Polyurethane on Ductile Steel 60-70D High
AP Solid All-Polyurethane 60D Med
PB-PW Polyolefin ( Industrial Plastic ) 65D Med
RN Hard Rubber 75D Med
TM-TH Phenolic ( Canvas ) 85D High
NP High Temperature Nylon 85D Med
CL-VL Grey Iron ( Semi-Steel ) - Med
DS-VS Ductile Steel - High
FS-FH Forged Steel - High
1.  This chart is intended only as a general comparison and NOT as a recommendation for any particular wheel on a specific floor surface.
2.  On smooth floors with NO obstructions.
3.  Some noise is created by the virbration of the swivel bearing when a swivel caster is rolling or turning.
4.  The softer the wheel material, the more resilient it is but the risk of a flat spot developing is higher if left parked for a prolonged period with a load greater than 50% of the wheel capacity.
5.  Soft rubber tires are the most floor protective wheel material. Chair casters with Polyurethane tires are safe to use on hard floor surfaces such as hardwood, ceramic tile, concrete floors and plastic mats. They are NOT recommended for use on soft wood floors, vinyl or linoleum. For Industrial applications, Polyurethane is often described by others as floor protective. It is non-marking and non-marring; however, a hard polyurethane may affect some floor surfaces over time.
6.  Never select on the basis of capacity alone.
7.  Intermittent contact at room temperatire only, less than 10% chemical concentration.
8.  Yellow balls suggest the wheel may or may not perform well or be to your satisfaction on your floor surface.
CALL US for a suggestion based on your application.

Photos & graphics are for informational purposes only. Actual product may vary slightly from those shown.
Wheel colors may vary unless specified. If wheel color is important, please contact us for current inventory.